Monday, February 14, 2011

In honor of Valentine's day, @Twilight tweets a photo from Isle Esme

@Twilight - "Happy Valentine's day from Isle Esme!"


"Twilight" in Next Movie's 'Most Romantic Movies Ever. . . This Millennium'

Twilight (2008)

Like you haven’t heard of this one. The global phenomenon that keeps on giving, “Twilight” was the film that launched Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart into the stratosphere as the hottest on-screen (and off?) couple to come along in quite some time. As the resident high school vampire Edward, Pattinson broods and poses his way through class, attracting the attention of Bella (Stewart), a shy teen who quickly takes a liking to the pale-skinned looker. Together, the two embark on a passionate (albeit chaste) romance. Edward doesn’t have blood running through his veins; Lucky for us, the same can’t be said of this hormonally-charged film.

'Eclipse' premiere - New/Old photos of Robert and the Pattinsons

New/Old Photos of Kristen

At the Austin Film Festival, The Runaways Premiere


With Katie Powers (waitress in Twilight) and Ashlynn Ross (Kristen's body double).


James Franco mentions Robert & Team Edward mention on "Royal Pains"


Johnny Weir is Team Edward "Robert Would Be Good Forever"

Figure skater Johnny Weir performed at the Elise Overland Fall 2011 presentation during Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in NYC and refinery29 got a chance to talk to him. Team Edward or Team Jacob?