What attracted you of this story?
RP: The script: I react to words and descriptions in a visceral way. If I can feel myself into the story immediately, this must be theright script to do.
In 2004′ Vanity Fair you had a little cameo as Reese Whiterspoon’s son. Now you become her lover: Hollywood’s miracles?
RP: Reese is not so happy that everybody’s talking about this thing,because she says that aged her. But, to think properly, she is identical to how she was at the time. It was my first job and she was so nice to come to visit me, to help me with my lines, because she noticed that I was terrified. Every time director said “action”, I became paralyzed. When I went with a friend to the premiere of the movie in London, we saw his scene, and mine was cut off. Nobody told me that. So bad! I was planning serioiusly to give up acting, before.. starting it”
This time, in love scenes, you did not feel paralyzed, did you?
Reese succeded to make feel me completely at ease. In the real life she is exactly how she seems on screen: very very sweet, friendly,with a positive aura
And Christoph Waltz as the villain?
Words are not enough for him. This movie is going to be appreciated by my mother, not only because is a romantic one, but because she will feel proud of me too: I work with two Oscar winners (Reese Witerspoon won for Walk the Line in 2006, Chisthoph Waltz in 2010 with Inglorious Basterds). On the set sometimes I repeated to myself the title of a book by one of my favourites writers , Bruce Chatwin”What Am I Doing Here”
When you were a child you were fascinated or scared by the circus?
I went to see a circus once, it was called Zipper Circus, I still remember it. I liked the clown and to this clown happened a lot of funny things. But in a certain moment of the show there was a car accident with mini cars. And my sister screamed to me “the clown is dead!”, and I've burst into tears. Some years ago she told me that wasa joke.
How is your relationship with animals?
It is funny you’re asking now because I’m the new owner of a dog. A mut with some traces of german sheperd dog. I’ve adopted it from a shelter in Louisiana before they decided to kill him, and I couldnt bear it. I don’t know how I will do because I always travel. I grew up with a dog, Patty and probably it is true that you’ll always be as a child. The weird thing is that he (he has not yet a name, but probably it can be “bear”) one day was in a refuge and the next day he went with me to a five stars hotel room in Hollywood. It seems like “Lady and the tramp” to me.
Speaking about Hollywood, that is like a circus, isn’it?
Maybe a little, it's a world where illisions are created and they try to make people believe in them.
Have you accostumed yourself to fame?
I don’t know what fame is, for real, because my inner life did not changed at all (my values did not change at all)
You’re a sex symbol?
See below, at the word “hollywood illusions”, before twilight I wasn't able to go out for a date with a girl
And now?
Yes If I wanted to. But I’m not the sex Symbol. He is Edward, the vampire.
How are you spending the money you gained?
I’m so used to be a penniless that I’m not able to spend them. Last thing I bought with a certain value was a vintage guitar
If you were not an actor what you have done in your life?
I was absolutely convinced to become a musician. Some times I still perfom myself to. Performing to an audience gives you freedom and, to tell the truth, it blows my mind (in a good way) as no movie can.
You still write songs, don’t you?
I have no time for it
And are you still writing that two “famous” novels you were writing some years ago?
I have no time for them too
How you see your future?
I know for now what will be my next movie, Cosmopolis, based on anovel by Don DeLillo, directed by David Cronemberg, and played also by Paul Giamatti, Juliette Binoche, Mathieu Amalric. Another project that will make my mother proud of me and will make me repeat to my self 'What Am I Doing Here?'
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